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Diego Talavera Gaborieau, new International Sales Director of González Byass

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With the aim of consolidating the presence of González Byass worldwide, Diego Talavera Gaborieau has recently joined the company as its new International Sales Director. His extensive experience and excellent knowledge of international markets have been the reasons for this appointment, which will undoubtedly further consolidate the tendency of global growth currently experienced by González Byass, a company present now in more than 100 countries. Diego Talavera (Biarritz, 1972) has developed his career assuming strategic roles in important winemaking groups, his latest position being General Manager of the Chivite Group. In addition, his professional career includes five years at Bodegas Bebidas, six years as Regional and Export Manager at Miguel Torres and nine years as Commercial Director and General Manager at Bodegas Murviedro (Schenk Group). Diego Talavera holds a degree in Business Administration, Marketing and International Commerce (BMS) obtained in Montpellier, France. Similarly, Nicolás Bertino, former International Sales Director, will switch to a new position suited to his achievements and contributions to the company. For almost a decade, Bertino has forged a path of remarkable success at González Byass, demonstrating extraordinary knowledge of the sector and excellent management skills.  
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