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Finca Moncloa (Vinos de la Tierra de Cádiz) is now a “Grandes Pagos de España” wine. Since its establishment in 2000, this association brings together wines with the expression of terroir in each of their bottles. Among them, those from Finca Moncloa: unique, highly expressive, incomparable wines that reflect the soil that has fed them: the lands of Cadiz. Located in Arcos de la Frontera, the Finca Moncloa winery represents the recovery of lost traditions: the making of a quality red wine in the lands of Cadiz and the growing of Tintilla de Rota, a native variety almost extinct, which has been reborn thanks to the commitment of the González family. This philosophy connects seamlessly with that of Grandes Pagos de España, based on the uniqueness of vineyards and the quality of the making process, which results in a series of wines that express the essence of the terroir where they have grown and the passion for well-accomplished work.   About Finca Moncloa Alfredo García González-Gordon, a member of the fifth generation of the González family, is the driving force behind Finca Moncloa. His profession as an agronomist led him to explore many wine-growing areas in Europe and realise that the more he moved southwards, the more he liked the wines. And so was born his idea of making a great red wine in the province of Cádiz. Finca Moncloa is a special, unique vineyard: - Because it is made with Tintilla de Rota, which lends terroir character and originality to the wines. This variety, almost extinct, has again grown in the lands of Cadiz. The result is the revival of some lost practices and the recovery of an important chapter in the Spanish wine-growing history. - Because of the very location of the vineyard -protected by the Sierra de Valleja from the hot easterly winds-, the high rate of sunshine hours during the vine’s growing season and the height of the vineyard relative to the surrounding grounds, which offers spectacular views from the highest point in the estate. - Because no other vineyards with red grape varieties can be found for several miles around, and the estate is located in a scarcely populated countryside area. - Because every year the winery harvests high-quality grapes, which yield a red wine with a very personal character, in spite of coming from a vineyard that is difficult to grow, full of steep slopes, shallow soils and different soil features within the same plot.   What is a "Pago"? A "Pago" can be defined as a singular vineyard whose characteristics make it different from the surrounding vineyards. These differences may be due to factors such as a special soil structure, a specific location or a particular stock of vines. The resulting vineyards yield exceptional quality grapes. The "pago" is thus a plot in a rural estate, with special soil characteristics and a microclimate that distinguish it from other surrounding grounds. All the wine traded as “pago wine” must come from vineyards grown in the specific plot; it must also be stored and, where appropriate, age, separately from other wines.
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