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Mythical Dúo Dinámico will sing the songs of four generations at the 4th Tío Pepe Festival

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Manolo and Ramón, true icons of the Spanish pop after more than 55 years on stage will sing, on August 11 at the González Byass Wineries, a selection of their hits. It will be the only concert that this artistic couple – Honorary Grammy for their Musical Excellence– will offer on their own in Andalusia during 2017. Ramón Arcusa and Manuel de la Calva, the emblematic Dúo Dinámico, will sing the soundtrack of the lives of the last four Spanish generations at a rigorously live concert in the 4th Tío Pepe Festival. This special event, held at the Patio de la Tonelería on Friday, August 11 at 9:30 pm, will take place on the second day of this multi-sensory experience combining culture, wine, gastronomy and tradition in some of the most delightful nooks of wineries González Byass. The most popular group of the sixties –in Spain, they surpassed the Beatles themselves in sales, popularity and fans– is still a living myth of pop song in Spain and Latin America, after more than five decades and a half on stage. The duo has only another concert scheduled in Andalusia before 2018 –within a festival where they will sing together with other artists– so the 4th Tío Pepe Festival is the perfect occasion to enjoy them alone. With a career full of great hits, the Dúo Dinámico are a legend of Spanish pop music. With an Honorary Grammy for their Musical Excellency, the couple’s reputation is so strong and their spectrum of audience so wide that they can perform on stages as diverse as the Liceo of Barcelona and the Palau de les Arts of Valencia, and indie and alternative music festivals like Sonorama. In fact, and to their amazement, they have become an indie icon in the last few years and it is not unusual to see them sharing stage with young pop stars and lesser known artists in alternative music circuits. There is no doubt that Manolo and Ramón, almost 80 each, are still strong enough to claim themselves as one of the greatest Spanish pop bands of all time. Their audience will be able to enjoy –among many others­– hits like “Resistiré”, “Quince años tiene mi amor”, “Amor de verano”, “Somos jóvenes”, “Esos ojitos negros”, “Quisiera ser” and “Como ayer” during the concert they will offer at the 4th Tío Pepe Festival. There is no doubt that Dúo Dinámico and their remarkable songs are part of our collective song memory. The duo –who initially started their musical career as The Dynamic Boys– will perform a selection of their hits on a special stage at the González Byass wineries; these are obviously the hits that their fans –of all ages– constantly ask them to play, one concert after another. This legion of devotees makes them forget about retiring and be eager to meet them live, time after time. "How are you going to retire when you are still successful?" is the usual answer Manolo and Ramón give in their interviews when asked how it is possible that they have been tirelessly performing in the national and international arenas since 1959. This will certainly be an unforgettable music event in the unparalleled setting of the 4th Tío Pepe Festival, promoted by González Byass and awarded Best Wine and Tourism Experience of 2016 with a special mention by Acevin. According to the jury, the Tío Pepe Festival "is an exceptional appointment with enjoyment, in which wine tourists can attend a series of high level concerts and dinners held in the unique spaces of this winery during the summer nights”. Tickets for this 4th Tío Pepe Festival concert are available here
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