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Viñas del Vero presents “the Wine of Love" to celebrate "the Wedding of Isabel"

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Viñas del Vero has signed a sponsorship agreement with Foundation Bodas de Isabel (Isabel's Wedding) and presents "The Wine of Love" to celebrate the next edition of Isabel de Segura’s Marriage. This holiday, declared of National Tourist Interest, commemorates the 800 Years of the Lovers of Teruel and will take place between the 16 and 19 of February. The agreement has been established, initially, for three years and represents an important support for the event. It has been presented today in the City of Teruel, attended by its Mayor, Emma Buj and City Councillor for Tourism, José Manuel Valmaña, who valued it very positively. Viñas del Vero, together with the Bodas de Isabel Foundation, has committed itself to this sponsorship for an innovative approach that fits perfectly with the staging of the well-known romance story. It specifically sponsors one of the scenes, in which "The Wine of Love" is introduced into the scene, making both the winery and its product better known. Viñas del Vero Gewürztraminer appears for the first time in the Teruel of 1217 in the hand of character Doña Elfa, wife of the third Lord of Albarracín, Lieutenant of the Villa, specifically during the scene called "The Council of Teruel and the visit of Jaime I", which will take place in the Plaza de la Catedral on Thursday, February 16, at 9:15 p.m., marking the beginning of the show. In this scene, Doña Elfa will send for "El Vino del Amor" for "Isabel's Banquet" and her wedding celebrations. Viñas del Vero Gewürztraminer, a wine to toast for Love During these celebration days, citizens from Teruel and visitors alike will be able to enjoy Viñas del Vero Gewürztraminer, the “Wine of Love". The wine will be present in many shops and places of business around the city, and announced with posters especially designed for the purpose. Wine was a primordial element in the Middle Ages For Raquel Esteban, manager of the Foundation, this is a very interesting partnership, as she states: "Wine was a fundamental element in the Middle Ages, as legendary as the legend itself of the Lovers of Teruel. It is an element present in the development of culture that has given rise to stories, songs, verses, poems, characters, etc. We are very happy that this is the first time that Isabel’s Wedding has been supported by a major winery, which enriches, in all senses, the theatrical representation of our Legend.”
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